Today’s blog comes from my friend and fellow online marketer:

George McBride.

You can see what he’s doing HERE!

Successful people do not become successful by accident, but by design. They are proactive. They over respond to everything in their life. For example, they have had a problem in their life. They contact every source they can think of to attack the problem, but they can’t find a solution. So what do they do? Forget about it? Move on? No!

They start a business to address this problem, for themselves and for others. In TripleClicks whenever I want a product, especially one I buy regularly, and I cannot find it, what does a successful person do? He finds a supplier and starts selling it. If he wants it and can’t find it, there are others in the same situation.

A successful person realizes that one advertising channel is more successful than another, so they increase ad spend. They are proactive. They are tracking their ads.

Most people are reactive. They increase ad spending in reaction to revenue dropping. They wait until things are in crisis to make changes, rather than anticipating what could go wrong. Or perhaps what could go right. Being proactive will automatically attract success in your life.

A successful person thinks of a good idea, and then they are proactive. They identify what needs to be done and then they read, learn and take action. Most of us just have a good idea and it ends there.

Maybe you thought of a good email campaign, but you have not taken the time to learn how to use an autoresponder to build it. Maybe we know we need to build a list. But we’ve known that for five years now, maybe 10. Take action. Start today to become the personal success you hope for.

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