Module and Course Index
Below is the course breakdown of Modules available in First Steps 1.0.
Some important things to remember:
With this FIRST STEPS training course, it might be impossible for everyone to start at the same point. Everyone has a different background, experience, abilities, knowledge, and varying degrees of understanding of the internet.
This is focused on First Steppers, so I’ve included several modules toward the end of this course which cover more elementary internet concepts.
You might find these modules too basic for where you are in your online experience, so you are welcome to bypass them.
If you do skip these more elementary modules, I recommend you return to them later and review the material. Something might be lurking in there you don’t know yet! 🙂
If you encounter any problems with the links, OR if you have any questions, OR if you need additional help, please contact me at walter@walternigh.com
Return to this Index page to review a Module or to move to the next Module.
Click below to get started . . .
What’s Jam-Packed inside First Steps Online
Module 1: The Internet – Why Use it for Business?
Module 2: Making Money Online in the 21st Century!
Module 3: Affiliate Marketing 101
Module 6: Soaring Through the Online Space
Module 7: Importance of Staying Safe Online?
Module 8: IM Lingo and Shop Talk
Module 9: Bring On the Browsers
Module 10: What’s Up with URLs and Links?
Module 11, Part 1: Language and Internet Terms
Module 11, Part 2: A Brief Internet History
Module 12: Top Ten Tools of the Trade
Final Thoughts on First Steps Online 1.0