A Quick Marketing Tutorial

A Quick Marketing Tutorial

In my quest for the best marketing advice, I ran across a short article by a friend of mine – Eric Mulford, who for over 30 years has been a very successful Sales Trainer for many different companies. Although there are times when I wax eloquent and witty, yet I...
Let’s Go Fishing!

Let’s Go Fishing!

My dad loves to fish!  He enjoys getting up early in the morning, loading up the truck and hooking on the fishing boat.  After loading up his necessary supplies: sandwiches, drinks, chips, cleaning knives, worms, and Ford fenders (a special trolling lure), he is off...
Keeping Your Focus!

Keeping Your Focus!

Just after the start of the 20th Century, around 1910, a tall lanky cowboy from the city of Winston-Salem, North Carolina (USA), packed his bags and headed west for the Idaho Land Rush. For $4,000 USD you could stake your claim to 80 acres of rough land filled with...