If you haven’t heard the childhood story of the tortoise and the hare, then you probably have been living in a cave for your entire life! 🙂
However, this timeless story is very applicable to our online business.
There are times we read about those making hundreds or thousands of dollars every day, while we struggle to get a few each month.
Now, there is nothing wrong with making tons of money every day, but it can make us wonder what is wrong with what we are doing.
However, our online business is not a race to see who gets to the finish line first. Being an online entrepreneur offers an opportunity for each one of us to do something to improve our economic situation. That is OUR finish line – to attain OUR financial goals and dreams.
Perhaps you’ve started your online venture to earn a few extra dollars to take a nicer vacation. Maybe an extra $200 a month will buy your children some much needed clothing or shoes. Or you may have big dreams and you see those 5-figure incomes being deposited into your account at the bank. (Oh yeah!)
It doesn’t matter – we all must work, each day, to do something that will bring us closer to fulfilling our dreams and aspirations.
It won’t happen by accident, but it will take a purposeful and premeditated effort.
Some days we may go a little slower than others, some days much will happen. In the end, our success will depend upon our determination and by our diligence to the proven things that will make us successful.
Are you up to the challenge? Speed may not be important, but steady is!
Like the tortoise who took just one slow step at a time in a determined fashion (he ends up winning, by the way!!) your internet business will bring that satisfaction, security, and success.
All for now . . . keep moving forward!